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Current property rates in Anjanapura

Posted: March 2nd, 2013, 11:40 pm
by kssandeep
Hello Fellow members,

I have seen sites in Anjanapura layout. However, not sure if the broker is over-quoting the price or not.

So can you please help me in understanding the reasonable price for the following blocks:

1. Anjanapura 6th Block
2. Anjanapura 5th Block
3. Anjanapura 9th Block

Thanks for the help

Re: Current property rates in Anjanapura

Posted: March 3rd, 2013, 7:08 am
by PlotGuy
Negotiating rates with brokers is a lose lose proposition. Work with the owners directly for the rates. Anything around Rs 2500 is a good deal in my opinion.

Re: Current property rates in Anjanapura

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 10:25 pm
by kssandeep
Hello PlotGuy,

Thanks for the info. But it is becoming very difficult to find the owner directly. Whatever maybe the means (online, newspaper, etc.) i use to find plot for sale, it is mostly a broker who front ends.

Are you serious about 2500 psft??? The broker i met were quoting 3400/psft for 6th block, 3500/psft for 5th block, and 3700 for 9th block plot. I felt it was a little high. But is it really off by 1000 psft?

Re: Current property rates in Anjanapura

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 11:55 pm
by PlotGuy
Yes. The prices are not that high.

Brokers are inflating the prices for no reason. As you saw in this link someone has been trying to sell for much less. Most BDA plot allottees are old time "Bangaloreans", and may not be in the Internet to sell their properties. In any event, you should have no problem talking to them since ownership is public information. So find out the exact plot number that is on sale, get the owner details and talk to the owner directly.

Re: Current property rates in Anjanapura

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 12:22 pm
by csmurthyin
I have site at anjanapura 9th block. but I don't feel that the current prices are 3700/sft. If any body want, I am ready to sell my south facing site @ 3100/- sft. interested may contact on xxxxxxxx

Please post an ad in classifieds section under 'site for sale' with full details mentioned in 'Forum Rules' and share the link here. -Admin Team.

Re: Current property rates in Anjanapura

Posted: April 30th, 2013, 10:00 am
by bhabhu
What is the prevailing rate for south facing 20x30 site in 2nd block anjanapura?