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Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: May 13th, 2011, 8:11 am
by jpdesai
Dear members,
Ihave paid for a 50*80 site in nithyananda saagara. Till now the site is not alloted to me. Can i get any feed back about the status quo?

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 3:37 pm
by srk_133
Same here. I have applied for Sukhananda Sagara & no news still :( ... each time i call same answer.."Next month"

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 4:13 pm
by Bangalore-Mysore
All sagaras of mysore telecom layout have the same (no) progress, society people keep on telling that site will be allotted in next month from lost three years.

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 8:36 am
by nanbha
Hi All,
Same story we have paid the full amount for atmananda sagar plot and still no news.We went to the office in march and the answer was :registration in two weeks ,but it doesn't seem to be happening.May be we all should get together and pay a visit to the office.If any body can organise something it would be appreciated,as we live overseas we cannot coordinate but we can send a rep on our behalf.hope somebody can take a lead.
Best wishes,

Re: Nithyananda Sagara Registration

Posted: June 19th, 2011, 11:29 am
by VNarasimhaiah
Hi All, Yes I agree with all your responses. Its also important to know the reasons for not registering sites for the last 3 years. The majority blame has to go to the Karnataka Govt. Their inability to take decisions and place personnel in MUDA has resulted to this delay. I am not taking the Society's side, when I am saying this, as I am also invested in it for more than 3 years now and completed making all the payments, including the additional cost of Rs. 50 per sq. ft. As per my follow ups, things have started to progress as MUDA has started to release sites as per the plans. Society has also been fed up with answering queries from all of us and is also trying to close matters at the earliest. Hence, it would be good to show patience for some more time, which would help us in getting thru' with this saga at the earliest. Hope this makes sense... Good Luck to all on registrations.

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: June 23rd, 2011, 8:53 am
by nanbha
Hi Sri.V.Narasimhaiah,
Thanks for the feed back,We have indeed been patient for more than three years,at least they can say a relatively realistic time frame instead of ''in two weeks time'''.Since u have also invested and still not got a site why are u asking for a site in the telecom society,just curious to know!!
REF:Site for Buying - Mysore.
by VNarasimhaiah » 22 Jun 2011, 16:29

Hello Friends,

Site for Buying - Mysore.
by VNarasimhaiah » 22 Jun 2011, 16:29

Re: Nithyananda Sagara Registration

Posted: June 24th, 2011, 9:57 am
by VNarasimhaiah
Dear Nanbha, Good observation, Sir.
Its true that I have applied for Nityananda Saagara and still have not got the site registered.
This request was posted on behalf of my friend, whose name and phone number was also mentioned. I had also clearly indicated that any one can reply to this thread here or call him on his number. Since he is not a computer savvy person, I had posted this request on his behalf. Moreover, he is not looking to buy not only in the Telecom layouts, but any layouts in and around that part of my Mysore. Hope my clarification suffices. Pls. feel free to stay in touch.
Best Regards,

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: June 24th, 2011, 8:21 pm
by nanbha
Dear Venkatesh,
Thanks for the clarification,hope your friend doesn't end up with one of the sagaras and wait for ages,good luck to him .Keep us posted of any new developments about the sagaras.
with regards,

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: June 24th, 2011, 10:44 pm
by blrsiteseeker
The "sagaras" as you refer to them are literally like the "sagara" - never ending!

Re: Nithyananda sagara Regestration

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 10:07 pm
by Vish
I had paid the full amount and they registered my site some 2 years back but till now, I dont know where it is!!!. The reason being, they have not yet developed Nithyanandasagara yet and site is only on paper. Even Khatha is transferred to my name. I disagree with VNarasimhaiah that MUDA is to be blamed for the delay. Infact society has to be blamed since without proper development MUDA cannot release remaining sites for registration. Only thing society is doing actively is to change their offices frequently. Sometime after registration they called me to collect the 'maintenance' amount(which they mentioned Rs30K for 3years). When I hit back at them asking them to show my site, they promptly backed off. In one way people who have not yet got their sites registered are better than me because atleast they can take back thier money.