construction methods for bathrooms in FF and SF.

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KVS Setty
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construction methods for bathrooms in FF and SF.

Post by KVS Setty »

Hello Guys,

I need some help in deciding the correct method of constructing bathrooms in first and second floors,as i have seen in some houses the bathroom floor level is in same level as the bedrooms and in some other houses it's about 6" or 9" above the bedroom level.

Which is the correct method from the point of view of leak proof,comfort,cost and aesthetics .

Can some one explain me pros and cons of each method ?

My contractor says he will do at the same level as room floor level ? but i need to know which is the right way to go about it.

Please help me to make a right decision, cost is not an issue for me.

Thanks to one and all in advance.
KVS Setty
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Re: construction methods for bathrooms in FF and SF.

Post by aries31 »

Points to note:

If the bathroom is higher than room floor level, it may be difficult for aged/wheel chair bound etc to get in and out. With same level or 0.5" drop it is far better.

If the bathroom floods, where will the water go? Strainght to rooms.

Hence I prefer bathroom to be same level (slightly lower) than floor level
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Re: construction methods for bathrooms in FF and SF.

Post by ashokbuildtech »

as Mr aries said the toilet level should be at least 12mm down by floor level of bedroom or hall it should not be above bedroom level proper sunked to be provided on slab itself while designing the slab , sunken should be treated by waterproof course up to 1 feet above the floor level so that you wont get seepage or dampness at the above skirting on bed room walls, since the week points in the buildings are the joints of slab and wall .and provide a 1.5" dia pipe pvc outlet on bottom of the sunked in which corner slope is provided when sunken filled with cindor ,( sunked should be filled with cindor to get same level of floor with cocnrete bed of 3" thick)so even water passed through tiles will be rooted through pvc pipe to outside before its leaks .

sunken required extra reinforcement since corners to be provided with beam and aesthetically 12 mm down looks good,if you given contract please insist for sunked

12 mm thick Granite can be placed with half nozed at the entrace of door till the door shutter ends
note: nozing face towards to toilet so you wont get sharp edge at toilet entry

there is another method in toilet it can be divided as dry area and wet area shower area called wet area and commode + wash basin area called dry area, both area also can be divided by an granite with again 12mm down,but depends on the layout of toilet.
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Re: construction methods for bathrooms in FF and SF.

Post by gsNagesh »


Both have its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. If the bathroom above a bathroom then sunken slab method is adopted wherein the slab is casted few inches below the normal floor level (bedroom floor),
and then the pipes/fixtures are laid and then the floor is filled with low density material and flooring is finished in such a way it will be either at floor level or few inches below floor level as per one desires.

1a. if the bathroom above bathroom and without a sunken slab and normal slab casting, and floor same as other areas... here the pipes are sent out by drilling holes in the slab and taking it below the roof (wherein you can see the pipes in the roof of the bathroom below). Then the ceiling below is finished with false roofing using tiles for easy maintenance of the pipes in case clogs or leaks etc... This type works our if both the top and bottom floor belongs to a single owner.

In case 1 above if any leakage, the floor need to be digged and managing will be an issue when compared to 1a. But 1a need to be executed with professional tools for drilling etc...

then the 2 option, floor slab without sunken slab, the pipes are run on the same floor and the floor is rised to cover the pipes and flooring is finished, here the floor of the bathroom will be few inches above the other flooring area of the same floor.

Hope this helps you to decide upon !! Happy constructing...

- Nagesh.
KVS Setty
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Re: construction methods for bathrooms in FF and SF.

Post by KVS Setty »

Thanks a lot aries31 and Nagesh for the immediate feed back on the issue and got some basic idea about the things.

My house is Stilt + 3floors.(stilt+GF+FF+SF).

FF and SF bathrooms are exactly in same location pin to pin (one above the other) and where as GF bathroom is few feets displaced.Builder will save lot of piping , I know, that's not the point. I don't need present and future leakage problems.And FF and SF are used by younger people with no wheel chair bound.

Let me have some more feed back from other members before I take a final call as I have time to make a decision.

Anyway thanks a lot for some insight into the issue.
KVS Setty
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