MS Steel with coating ?

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MS Steel with coating ?

Post by jackalbda »

Hello All,

My fabricator gave me the estimate for MS Steel fabrication work to cover the areas, outside kitchen and some portiong at the terrace. One of my friend tells me that, there is some different type of MS Steel, which is coated with some different material ( he is not sure of the material used ) , which gives very good durability and resistance to resting, for MS Steel rodes/pipes. Any idea what he is talking about and how much extra costly that is ?
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Re: MS Steel with coating ?

Post by blrsiteseeker »

perhaps "powder coated aluminum" or "powder coated steel". They do look very nice. But not sure if it is used for railings and such. I know they make window frames with these. Cost info - I am not aware of it.
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Re: MS Steel with coating ?

Post by maheshv »

running this thought through our members - one of my friend recently mentioned that we should go for cyclinderical or pipe MS steel for fabrication work as rain water will not accumate and cause rusting, technically it does makes sense, but practically what has been the experience?
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Re: MS Steel with coating ?

Post by ardesarchitects »

Hi Jackalbda
You don't get powder coated MS or aluminum ready made.You need to get it done at powdercoat factory alone.Ms powder coat railings ,frames,grills are not possible since you need to transport them to factory once welding done.Mostly railings are welded on site.
Ms pipes you can ask for brite rods (the tensile strength is more).Any steel with more tensile strength are good and made of virgin material.
As maheshv suggested any MS units should be designed in such a way that water doesn't stay on it and rust in due course of time.

Ardes Architects and Interior Designers
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Re: MS Steel with coating ?

Post by tech4pk »

Thanks @Praveen for the gyan, and it added lot of value to me. I am thinking to go for MS staircase railing than the SS, as SS costs way high. My painter was suggesting me to go for MS and he would help in quoting with a metallic silver or any color, which looks same as SS. But, I am not sure about the durability of the same.
Do any of you tried this? Appreciate your comments/inputs, please.
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