Backing out of agreement

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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by blrsiteseeker »

hvc wrote:Ha ha ha ... you are really scaring murali.... :)
Karma is not applicable for Real estate deals ;). If in case it applicable then majority agents and builders will have haunting nights ;)
Maybe they do :P
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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by chidu »

Truly appreciate Murali's conscience here.

Murali - Your reason is no different than what many of us face, this is a perfect case where agent services would help, I think you should inform through the agent the fact as is, stressing that it was unintentional, apologize and return the advance back. This is better than posing any other lame excuses.
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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by bda.officer »

Hey hvc and others,

what blrsiteseeker says is really correct, i feel some type of karma will haunt them in life. they never be happy in life, they finally die with nothing, never lead good peacefull life. In modern world karma haunt in these possible ways.

1. they drink everyday with our hard earned money. get addicted and get super duper health problems and die. :o
2. Get Blood preause, sugar or cancer very soon in early age 35+ :shock:
3. family problems, property issues, wife / daughter will run away, suicide, scandel.....etc :?
4. lack of education and social awareness, they do some kind criminal activities and caught one day and die or someone will kill.

So karma will haunt them in some way..and finally die in 3ft X 6ft = 18Sqft site. :lol:

So my humble request to everyone, get a decent owner and sell your property...(don't loose patience)

Mr Murali, pay the owner around Rs 1000 /- and close the deal., don't worry, that's it.....Good luck
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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by msn1270 »

How come the Gang wars among the rival agents ending in murders or supari killing (at least once in a week) is missed out.!!!!
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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by Sachin123 »

Ethically what you are doing is not correct moreover giving such silly reason. Because of this kind of transactions people losing trust in reaslestate deals. here you are saved. Just Imagine the buyer is a politician or a goonda. Would you be still say NO to him???

Please avoid breaking word of mouth promise to anyone which is more important than any agreement on papers... To understand this you should be on the other side.

All the Best.
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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by BengaluruBoy »

this is really interesting topic. I was in this situation too as seller but the buyer backed out saying silly reason. He had paid 5k as advance and I gave him all the papers and asked him to verify the doc and confrim in one week. THe buyer assured that he is very much interested as this is a BDA site and will move ASAP. he took 3 weeks to get back to me saying that he is not interested to buy now for personal reasons. I was calling him in the meantime to know the status but he was not answering. I lost other opportunities in these 3 weeks as I got better offers but I rejected them someone has already offered.

in this situation what will you do? I told buyer that he'll not get his money back as I was under loss(several laskhs as the other offers were btter than his).
When I tried to reach the other buyers they started squeezing the price knowing that i'm coming back to them.

so, its better to make formal agreement with an advance then go for registration to be fair with buyer and seller.
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Re: Backing out of agreement

Post by bdasites »

hi m3_07 and hvc,

Your attitude/comments not very likable. Totally agree with what blrsiteseeker and bda.officer says. Its not only about being scared of karma, but wont you feel guilty that you inconvenienced someone and wasted his time?

If i were murali, i would refund the token advance, give him 1-2K for the lawyer fees , offer him a hot cup of tea if he comes home and say sorry.
Then atleast he will leave having some faith in humanity and there wont be any bitter feelings
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